Why Apply? This journey isn't open to all. We're curating a band of brave souls; diverse men, but bound by a shared mission. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow warriors. Only 12 slots available. Are you one of them?

What We'll Do


Imagine stepping away from the world’s ceaseless demands, delving into a meticulously curated experience aimed at self-discovery.

Imagine emerging not just refreshed, but reborn.

This quest is your cocoon, your chrysalis.

Every moment, every activity is calibrated to shed the weight of the past and welcome a future filled with potential.

From grounding physical challenges to profound emotional connections, from enlightening spiritual awakenings to strategies for navigating change, this journey addresses every facet of your being.

By the end, you won’t just understand your true potential—you’ll be empowered to live it.

Why Apply? This journey isn't open to all. We're curating a band of brave souls; diverse men, but bound by a shared mission. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow warriors. Only 12 slots available. Are you one of them?

How We'll Do It


Elemental Trials of Nature

Embrace the world’s primal challenges. Nature isn’t just your guide—it’s your challenger. Push your boundaries, harness resilience, and tap into a raw, unyielding power. Can you stand tall against Mother Earth’s tests?

Emotional Odyssey: From Abyss to Zenith

Dive into the profound depths of your soul. Connect, share, release. In the heart of vulnerability lies uncharted strength. Are you brave enough to confront your hidden self?

Clarity Quest: Solitude's Symphony

Strip away life’s noise. Surrounded by nature’s embrace, bask in unparalleled clarity. With every whisper of the wind and rustle of leaves, revelations beckon. What will the silent symphony reveal to you?

The Vital Vanguard: Body's Prelude

Embark on a ten-day priming ritual, turning your body into an active ally for the impending Quest. This isn’t mere preparation; it’s the first dance of metamorphosis. Within the Quest, discover secrets to truly honor and harness the body’s full potential. Ready to tune into your body’s ancient song?

The Veiled Power Within

The world’s elites hoped you’d never discover this. Unlock an intense inner energy, a vibrant vitality, a secret so profound, it could shift paradigms. Ready to unveil the truth of your existence?

Triumph: The Phoenix Rise"

As the journey peaks, rituals of rebirth await. Celebrate your evolution, the phoenix rising from ashes. With newfound clarity, love, and purpose, how will you redefine your world?

Why Apply? This journey isn't open to all. We're curating a band of brave souls; diverse men, but bound by a shared mission. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow warriors. Only 12 slots available. Are you one of them?

Where We'll Do It


Immerse yourself near Beatenberg, overlooking Lake Thun, with the 4000m peaks of Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau as your backdrop. Our venue? An authentic chalet, traditionally for 50, now dedicated to our select 12 seekers and guides. This secluded haven, reached via a private road, captures the essence of nature and camaraderie. Here, simplicity meets comfort. Shared rooms house 2-4 warriors, fostering deep connections. The main hall is our hub for meals and sessions, with the expansive outdoors inviting us for activities and nights under the stars. Once in Thun, we’ll guide you to our doorstep. While your travel to Thun is on you, everything thereafter—wholesome meals to refreshing drinks—is on us. Here, nourishment meets transformation.

When We'll Do It


Transformation is a journey that requires immediate action. Join us from 16th to 22nd October 2023. As the seasons change and winter gives way, our next expedition into self-discovery will be from 6.-12.5.2024. Every moment counts in the pursuit of personal growth, and delaying could mean missing a pivotal step. Opportunities to redefine oneself are rare and fleeting. The present beckons. Seize the dates, trust the process, and step forward into your brighter future.

What It'll Cost


In the heart of Switzerland, our retreat offers an unparalleled journey of transformation. From enigmatic rituals to soul-touching ceremonies, every facet is designed to elevate you beyond the everyday. Within a mere week, envision a paradigm shift in your life’s narrative. This isn’t just recreation; it’s your gateway to profound self-discovery.

True transformation has its price, but what’s the cost of an unfulfilled life? Rather than an expense, view this retreat as a pivotal investment—a commitment to your brighter future and authentic self. When weighing the financial aspect, think not of mere numbers but the immeasurable value and change you’re poised to embrace. Your investment for this life-altering will be revealed in the Call. Scholarships are available.

Why Apply? This journey isn't open to all. We're curating a band of brave souls; diverse men, but bound by a shared mission. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow warriors. Only 12 slots available. Are you one of them?

Our Assurance


We are confident in the transformative power of our quest, so much so that we offer a promise:

Should you feel, by the end of Day 2, that the retreat isn’t shifting your perspectives, reigniting your passions, or sparking that deep inner change, we pledge to refund your investment.

Why? Because your journey, your transformation, is our utmost priority. And we’re dedicated to ensuring that this quest is nothing short of life-altering for you.

Why Apply? This journey isn't open to all. We're curating a band of brave souls; diverse men, but bound by a shared mission. Stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow warriors. Only 12 slots available. Are you one of them?